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Bliss SPECIALS! > Boulder: Sat Dec 22: Winter Solstice Sound/Dance/
Boulder: Sat Dec 22: Winter Solstice Sound/Dance/

Dec 14, 2007

Winter Solstice
Sound Celebration
Sat December 22

View of flyer: http://www.TempleofTantra.com/Events.html

Free form Trance Dance

Guided Tantric TranceDance
A. Fire Golden
7:30 – 8:30pm

Sound and Planetary Meditations
Michelle Many
the author of
"The Planetary Meditations, 3 CD and Book Set"
will be performing her meditations live and in person, and
book signing

Bring pillows for comfort

Community Trance Dance Jam and
Drum and Music Circle
10:30pm – 1am+

Pls. honor the times for each segment, for optimal
transformational experience for everyone!

Creative Headspace
4715 N. Broadway, Unit #6
Boulder, Colorado
(between Yellow Pine and Lee Hill on the west side)
The studio is just past German Auto on the right

Admission is FREE, or $5-20 donation at the door

Take a healing vacation to the planet's of our solar system
and let the cosmic frequencies fill your being. Allow
Michelle's soothing voice and lush imagery to heal you at
the subconscious level
through hypnotic suggestions for positive change.
Groove to the smooth jazz that is filled with Planetary
Tuning forks,
Tibetan Singing Bowls and Temple Bells and
let your body and soul be healed by the music of the
Book signing to follow.
   Bring your own sound instruments
Drums, Rattles, Rainsticks, Didgiredoos, etc.
for a cool cosmic jam following the meditations and book

For more information contact
Mitch Feinstein at:
or Michelle Many at:
or michellemany@aol.com

View flyer: